Customer Testimonials

What Your Neighbors Say About Us

Customer Testimonials
RG has EXCELLENT customer service.  Everyone at the company is very knowledgeable & friendly.  People there really care about their customers - making sure to have heat with a working furnace in bitter cold weather.  I have recommended them to numerous people.  I can't speak highly enough of them - simply EXCELLENT!
Nancy B. - Madison
RG is great!  They offered an explanation over the phone, sent someone out right away and called before they arrived.  I have recommended RG to other homeowners - they have my full confidence!
Brian B. - Madison
I just wanted to say what a good job your crew did installing our new Trane AC and furnace!  I had to make a quick decision since our old air conditioner had died, but upon further research I am very happy with the Trane air conditioner and furnace that Greg recommended.  It is very highly rated and will serve us well for our next 20 years.
Jim B. - Waunakee
Thanks for your timely and quality installation at our house! Every aspect, from installing to removal and cleanup was done in superb fashion. Your guys are impressive!
Mark & Carol T. - Waunakee

Thanks for the prompt service. The air conditioner is now working fine.
Marie W. - Waunakee

Thank you for your prompt service!
Jeff & Jody Z. - Lodi

I wanted to send you a note with our check to say how impressed we were with your service. I can't ever recall an instance of having something fixed so quickly! It's such a change to what we typically experience, we had to let you know what good people you have representing you company.
Mark T. - Cross Plains

Thank you and your crew for completing a terrific job.
Chuck R. - Waunakee

Thank you for such quick service!
Patsy R. - Waunakee

We want to thank you for your clean, prompt service! We are very pleased with your work and friendly service. It is very much appreciated.
Cecille & John K. - Lodi

Thank you so much for coming out on a Saturday morning and fixing our gas problem. You saved our fundraising weekend.
Tryg K. - Waunakee

Thanks so much for responding to our neighbor's call so quickly and for following up on this problem - even though it was minor, it could have been more!
Mark & Dena B. - Waunakee

We really appreciate the nice job you guys did for us. Thanks for putting up with the dogs and for cleaning up. We will be referring other people to you whenever we get the chance.
Robin & Marie S. - Madison

Thanks for your help with the heating problem and for being so fair. I appreciate it.
Vonnie M. - Waunakee

Thank you so much for your good service - you were great to work with. I will surely refer you when asked.
Scott B. - Poynette

Thank you for being so prompt. It's appreciated.
Theresa S. - Madison

RG Heating & Air Conditioning has certified technicians to take care of your AC installation near Middleton WI.
1091 Uniek Drive
Check out our Air Conditioning repair service in Madison WI
1091 Uniek Drive